Entrepreneur, Builder, and Angel Investor

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Thanks for landing on this page. I understand we all live in a very busy world, the chance of us getting connected randomly somehow could be both shockingly slim and highly likely at the same time depending on how you view it (e.g. time, space, and the six handshakes rule).
I am a true believer in the philosophy — “Everything happens for a reason”. Provided the complexity and plasticity of our brain (Doidge), every bit of “rewiring” whether it’s intentional or non-intentional, could have very profound impact on your future decision making.
I treat the game of life like a bungee cord. A line which connects two dots. It can, and will, have ups and downs but one typically dissipates or arises right after the other. It also has a beginning and an end. If you’re reading this, it means you’re probably somewhere in the middle. At some point, in the distant future, we will all return to the “stardust” state which is unfortunately everyone’s end game; but for now, we are all just passengers — who are trading away our biological decay for space and time we experience — minute by minute. The good thing is that what you do with the experience in between is entirely up to you and there are many ways to play this game of life.
Currently, I am working on projects at the intersection of fintech, blockchain, and gaming. I also do quite a bit of investment (read more). I have some big goals I want to achieve long-term (hopefully before reaching the end of the cord) in the educational and agricultural space — I want to make them free for every living person on earth; and I am in the process of gathering enough resources and experience to achieve them. You can follow my journey by subscribing to this page. OR you can reach out to me and introducing yourself.